Industry Stakeholders Published by The R2 Network On September 25, 2020 Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form. - Step 1 of 9 The R2 Network is being built to provide free resources to entrepreneurs & innovators. Take 90 seconds - complete your profile and be apart of this network for public safety innovationContinueWhich components of a public safety innovation program interest you and your organization the most? Select all that apply.most interesting components checkboxesAgency Lead GenerationTechnology PipelineEventsMembership OpportunitiesInnovation ProgramsR&DM&AOtherBackNextWhat best describes your organization? Select all that describes org. checkboxesCorporationSmall | Medium BusinessAssociationNon-ProfitResellerFederalState | LocalOtherBackNextWhat would you, and your organization identify as the most significant capability gaps in public safety? Select all that apply.gaps most checkboxesCommand & ControlCommunicationsInteroperabilityThreat DetectionIntelligence & InvestigationSituational AwarenessResource ManagmentTrainingHealth & SafetyOtherBackNextWhat would you, and your organization identify as the least significant capability gaps in public safety? Select all that apply.gaps least checkboxesCommand & ControlCommunicationsInteroperabilityThreat DetectionIntelligence & InvestigationSituational AwarenessResource ManagmentTrainingHealth & SafetyOtherBackNextHow has your organization taken part in technology innovation programs? Select all that apply.innovation program checkboxes SponsorHostPartnerTestbedAdvisorPurchaserBackContinueWho is your customer? Select all that apply.who is customer checkboxesLaw EnforcementFire | RescueEmergency Mgmt.EMSPSAP | CommsSafe/Smart-CityHomeland SecurityMilitary | Dual-UseBackContinueWhat public safety functions does your organization support? Select all that apply.areas of p.s. support checkboxesOperationsSpecial OperationsTrainingAdmin | LogisticsInformation Mgmt | ITOtherBackContinueGOOD TO GO Your profile is complete. Submit to be a part of the R2 Network Launch.Your AgencyYour Title (copy)Email *CheckboxesWe use your email to update you about cutting-edge technology, agency leads, events and more. Tick here to not receive these emails.BackSubmit