
CloudGavel is a FusionStak product that is managed by a dynamic group of professionals with a passion for public safety.  The FusionStak leadership team were the founders of the electronic warrant concept back in 2007 and has been dedicated to delivering the best solution on the market ever since.  Under this leadership, CloudGavel have become the nation’s top electronic warrant solution and has won several national awards. Even with much success, we believe that our journey is still in the beginning phases and there is much left to accomplish.  Our men and women in law enforcement deserve the very best tools to keep them safe and allow them to do their jobs effectively.  We also believe that the citizens deserve that these jobs are done ethically and efficiently. It’s under this leadership philosophy that CloudGavel has become such a special product.  Our leadership team will always ensure that our products not only best serve our clients but also that they best serve our communities.


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