Global Crisis Awareness, The i-1-1 app

We allow verified location/need contact with 911 in less than 10 seconds while alerting users near a life-threatening event

Our smart phone app verifies a victim’s exact position in less than 10s, with ZERO cost to government (or the public). We improve Call Center effectiveness per contact (5m to 30s) and eliminate all language barriers. It will also warn persons near life-threatening events, immediately. We believe this to be the next logical step in 911 communication. FCC mandated changes in 2021 provide business opportunities for those who are prepared.


  • Number of Employees
  • Stage
    Prototype (MVP) Ready
  • Primary Industry


Our smart phone app verifies a victim’s exact position in less than 10s, with ZERO cost to government (or the public). We improve Call Center effectiveness per contact (5m to 30s) and eliminate all language barriers. It will also warn persons near life-threatening events, immediately. We believe this to be the next logical step in 911 communication. FCC mandated changes in 2021 provide business opportunities for those who are prepared.