Light Bohrd, Inc.

We help keep active people safer!

- Light Bohrd Business Model: - Sales of our proprietary LED and wireless charging products to apparel manufacturers. - License our technology to other companies or engage with JV partners Light Bohrd’s proprietary illumination product is a ruggedized, lightweight and waterproof LED panel. Light Engine is wirelessly recharged and motion activated with varying light colors/functions; completely customizable to any form factor.


  • Number of Employees
  • Stage
    Full Product Ready
  • Primary Industry


– Light Bohrd Business Model: – Sales of our proprietary LED and wireless charging products to apparel manufacturers. – License our technology to other companies or engage with JV partners Light Bohrd’s proprietary illumination product is a ruggedized, lightweight and waterproof LED panel. Light Engine is wirelessly recharged and motion activated with varying light colors/functions; completely customizable to any form factor.