
Remote Sensing and Predictive Analytics of human behavior

By standing on the edge of global technology revolution where sufficiently advanced technologies is indistinguishable from magic, Sensority developes and provides cuting edge security solutions where intelligence, machine learning, psychophysiology and advanced engineering are intersects for breaking the formed trend of crime and terrorism activities around the globe Extremely non trivial engineering approaches and solutions gives us flexibility, scale and ability to produce one to one analytics as well as massive psychophysiological analytics on hundreds and thousands of people in real time from different regions and places on earth.


  • Number of Employees
  • Stage
    Full Product Ready
  • Primary Industry


By standing on the edge of global technology revolution where sufficiently advanced technologies is indistinguishable from magic, Sensority developes and provides cuting edge security solutions where intelligence, machine learning, psychophysiology and advanced engineering are intersects for breaking the formed trend of crime and terrorism activities around the globe Extremely non trivial engineering approaches and solutions gives us flexibility, scale and ability to produce one to one analytics as well as massive psychophysiological analytics on hundreds and thousands of people in real time from different regions and places on earth.