UAUS - Universal Ammunition Utilization System

Ammunition Utilization - An alternative way to destroy explosive hazard by deflagration (combustion with possible detonation).

Looking to bring this great innovative idea to life ! The product can solve many issues in Military Industry Worldwide. High temperature termite stick of nearly 2800 caused can be well used to burn nearly any type of unused/unexploded missile shell or unused mine. The system can be used to effectively and timely clear areas of dangerous unexploded munition.


  • Number of Employees
  • Stage
    Concept Only
  • Primary Industry


Looking to bring this great innovative idea to life ! The product can solve many issues in Military Industry Worldwide. High temperature termite stick of nearly 2800 caused can be well used to burn nearly any type of unused/unexploded missile shell or unused mine. The system can be used to effectively and timely clear areas of dangerous unexploded munition.