A Panel Discussion: Preparing Agencies for Today’s Active Shooter Incident

Hosted By IPSA
September 8th, 2021 - 1:00PM to 2:15PM

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  • Event Categories
    Webcast | Webinar
  • Event Type
    In Person
  • Relevant Agencies
    Federal Government, Other Federal Agencies, State & Local Government
  • Topics
    Emergency Management, First Responders, Public Safety
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History illustrates that active shooter, hostile events and mass casualty incidents (hereinafter ASHE, MCI or ASHE/MCI) can occur in any venue, in both hard and soft targets, in any municipality at any time of day on any day of the week. Secure locations like law enforcement agencies, military bases, airports, court buildings and other government structures are all types of venues in which an ASHE/MCI has occurred. Further, ASHE/MCIs have occurred at places of worship, hospitals, schools, casinos, movie theaters, shopping centers and nightclubs.

ASHE/MCIs occur in small, medium and large municipalities. New Zealand, Las Vegas, Parkland, Sutherland Springs, Thousand Oaks, Washington D.C., Newtown, Orlando, San Bernardino, Fort Lauderdale, Clackamas County, Aurora and Seattle are just some of the jurisdictions in which anASHE/MCI has occurred.

Vehicles, explosives, fire, knives, assault rifles and handguns are some of the weaponry involved in dynamic, ASHEs/MCIs. First responders must train for multiple weapon types and dynamic scenarios. Given the complexity and wide range of possible scenarios, first responders need new resources, tools, education and training that emphasizes an integrated response to any ASHE/MCI.

For any jurisdiction to be fully prepared for an ASHE/MCI means that they must have a comprehensive, integrated response and recovery plan with allied emergency responders. A truly integrated response means that law enforcement, fire, EMS and 911 telecommunications must increase their opportunities to cross-train and debrief with allied emergency responders. These opportunities are not currently widely available.

Join us on September 8 for a discussion on these issues with our panel of practitioner subject matter experts. Certificates All attendees will receive certificates of completion.

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