Alexander von Humboldt Foundation

Promote international cultural dialogue and academic exchange

  • Program Type
  • Funding Award
    Capes-Humboldt Research Fellowships for Postdoctoral Researchers: Monthly fellowship amount is €2,600
  • Program Duration
    from 6 to 24 months.
  • Eligibilty Requirements (Y/N)
    Did you complete your doctorate within the last four years? Have you been published in academic journals and by publishing houses that are reviewed according to international standards? If so, and if you also fulfil the criteria under the “What is required of you” section, apply for the Capes-Humboldt Research Fellowship for postdoctoral researchers.
  • Program Type
  • Funding Award
    Capes-Humboldt Research Fellowships for Experienced Researchers: The fellowship amount is €3,100
  • Program Duration
    from 6 to 18 months and can be divided into up to three stays within three years.
  • Eligibilty Requirements (Y/N)
    Did you complete your doctorate within the last twelve years? Is your academic profile substantiated by an extensive list of publications in academic journals and by publishing houses that are reviewed according to international standards? If so, and if you fulfil the criteria under the “What is required of you” section, apply for the Capes-Humboldt Research Fellowship for experienced researchers.
  • Program Type
  • Funding Award
    Alexander von Humboldt Professorship: Award winners may take up to 180,000 euros per year
  • Program Duration
    5 years
  • Eligibilty Requirements (Y/N)
    live and work outside Germany,are eligible to be appointed to full professorships in Germany, are internationally recognised as leaders in their research field can also be expected to complete further cutting-edge research in the future
  • Program Type
  • Funding Award
    Fraunhofer-Bessel Research Award: 45,000 euros
  • Program Duration
    6 to 12 months. The research stay can be divided into blocks.
  • Eligibilty Requirements (Y/N)
    have predominantly lived and worked outside Germany for at least 5 years, completed their doctorate less than 18 years ago, are recognised internationally as outstanding researchers in their field of applied research, are expected to continue producing cutting-edge research and have a lasting impact beyond their area of specialisation
  • Program Type
  • Funding Award
    Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Award: 45,000 euros.
  • Program Duration
    6 to 12 months. The stay can be divided into blocks.
  • Eligibilty Requirements (Y/N)
    have predominantly lived and worked outside Germany for at least 5 years, are recognised internationally as outstanding researchers in their field, are expected to continue producing cutting-edge research and have a lasting impact beyond their area of specialisation, completed their doctorate less than 18 years ago
  • Program Type
  • Funding Award
    Georg Forster Research Fellowship: Award of 60,000 euros
  • Program Duration
    Up to 12 months.
  • Eligibilty Requirements (Y/N)
    are nationals of and have been living and working in developing countries, emerging economies or transition states for at least the last 5 years (excluding the People’s Republic of China and India), are recognised internationally as outstanding researchers in their field and who have had a significant impact on their own discipline and beyond, are expected to continue developing research-based solutions to the specific challenges facing transition and developing countries
  • Program Type
  • Funding Award
    Georg Forster Research Award: Award of 60,000 euros
  • Program Duration
    Up to 12 months.
  • Eligibilty Requirements (Y/N)
    are nationals of and have been living and working in developing countries, emerging economies or transition states for at least the last 5 years (excluding the People’s Republic of China and India), are recognised internationally as outstanding researchers in their field and who have had a significant impact on their own discipline and beyond, are expected to continue developing research-based solutions to the specific challenges facing transition and developing countries
  • Program Type
  • Funding Award
    Humboldt Research Award: 60,000 euros
  • Program Duration
    Up to 12 months
  • Eligibilty Requirements (Y/N)
    have predominantly lived and worked outside Germany for at least 5 years, are recognised internationally as outstanding researchers in their field and who have had a significant impact on their own discipline and beyond, are expected to continue producing cutting-edge research
  • Program Type
  • Funding Award
    Humboldt Research Fellowship: Fellowship of 2,650 euros per month (postdocs) or 3,150 euros per month (experienced researchers) plus language course, travel expenses, family allowances, extensive alumni sponsorship and allowance for research costs (for the host institution).
  • Program Duration
    6 to 24 months (postdocs) resp. 6 to 18 months (experienced researchers), the fellowship for experienced researchers can be divided up into a maximum of 3 blocks within 3 years
  • Eligibilty Requirements (Y/N)
    Researchers who do not live and work in Germany, have a doctorate or a comparable academic qualification completed fewer than 4 years (postdocs) or 12 years (experienced researchers) previously, academic publications that were peer-reviewed according to international standards (postdocs) or, already have their own research profile documented by a comprehensive list of academic publications that have been peer-reviewed according to international standards (experienced researchers), have several years of independent research experience (experienced researchers), have a good knowledge of German or English

As an intermediary organisation of German foreign cultural and education policy, the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation aims to promote international cultural dialogue and academic exchange. The Humboldt Foundation offers flexible sponsorship programmes for researchers at all stages of their careers. Its research fellowships and awards enable outstanding scientists and scholars from abroad to complete long-term research stays in Germany. There are no quotas for specific countries or subjects; only personal academic achievement counts. The foundation also maintains close links with its alumni, the Humboldtians, after their stay in Germany. It offers numerous alumni support programmes for that purpose. This fellowship enables outstanding researchers from Brazil to carry out research in Germany for up to 18 months.

12 months in Germany for your own project - German Chancellor Fellowship

Are you a graduate with initial leadership experience? Do you come from Brazil, the People’s Republic of China, India, the Russian Federation, South Africa or the USA? Would you like to implement your own project that is societally relevant, will have lasting public impact and aid you in your professional development?

hen come to Germany with a German Chancellor Fellowship from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation to take the next step of your career.

For further information and application please visit:

This fellowship for prospective leaders brings you to Germany for one year to implement a project idea you have developed yourself. We will help you network with international future leaders here to find new answers to the global issues of our time.

Funding Programmes

Capes-Humboldt Research Fellowships for Postdoctoral Researchers

This fellowship enables outstanding researchers from Brazil to carry out research in Germany for up to two years.

Alexander von Humboldt Professorship

Award winners receive the opportunity to carry out long-term and groundbreaking research in Germany.

Capes-Humboldt Research Fellowships for Experienced Researchers

This fellowship enables outstanding researchers from Brazil to carry out research in Germany for up to 18 months.

Fraunhofer-Bessel Research Award

Senior researchers from outside Europe are invited to work closely with a partner at one of the Fraunhofer Institutes in Germany. They become part of a global network of researchers maintained by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.

Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Award

Outstanding international researchers are invited to spend a period of 6 to 12 months cooperating on a research project with fellow experts at a research institute in Germany.

Georg Forster Research Fellowship

Junior and senior researchers in all disciplines from developing countries, emerging economies and transition states can carry out a research project in cooperation with an academic host of their choice in Germany.

Georg Forster Research Award

Senior researchers from developing countries, emerging economies and transition states are invited to cooperate on a long-term research project with fellow experts at a research institute in Germany.

Humboldt Research Award

Researchers from abroad are invited to cooperate on a research project with fellow experts at a research institute in Germany.

Humboldt Research Fellowship

International junior and senior researchers in all disciplines can carry out their own research project in cooperation with an academic host of their choice at a research institute in Germany.

Future Phases

Check out an overview of each competition phase below - complete rules for each phase will be released as the competition progresses.


Let’s Get Started.

To apply or join the program, please submit an application.